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Terms & Conditions

Tax Services Terms & Conditions 


In the event you have not signed an official engagement letter, by submitting your information to our  firm’s portal, you have engaged our services, we have established a valid contract, and you are agreeing  to the policies and procedures outlined here.  

It is your responsibility to provide all the information required for the preparation of a complete and  accurate return. You should retain all documents, canceled checks, receipts, and other data that form the  basis of income and deductions for at least 3 years from the due date of the tax return (or a maximum of 7 years). These may be necessary to support items contained in the tax return in the event of an inquiry  by a taxing authority. 


We will perform our services in accordance with the Statements on Standards for Tax Services (“SSTSs”)  issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“AICPA”) and U.S. Treasury Department  Circular 230 (“Circular 230”). It is our duty to perform services with the same standard of care that a  reasonable income tax preparer would exercise in this type of engagement. We will prepare your returns  using information that you provide to us. We will provide checklists, questionnaires and/or worksheets to  help you gather information necessary for a complete and accurate estimate and return. Unless otherwise  engaged, we will not audit or verify the accuracy or completeness of any information you submit, although  it may be necessary to ask you for clarifications. We may provide limited accounting and analysis, but  only for the purpose of preparing complete and accurate income tax returns. Our work in connection with  the preparation of your income tax returns does not include any procedures designed to discover  defalcation or other irregularities, should any exist. 


We must use our judgment in resolving questions where the tax law is unclear, or where there may be  conflicts between the taxing authorities’ interpretations of the law and other supportable positions. We  will apply the “more likely than not” reliance standard to resolve such issues to avoid penalties that might  be assessed against us as return preparers. You agree to honor our decisions regarding disclosure of return  positions to avoid or mitigate penalties. 


Our advice is based upon tax reference materials, facts, assumptions, and representations that are subject  to change. Tax reference materials include, but are not limited to, the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”), tax  regulations, Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures, private letter rulings and court decisions. We will not  update our advice after the conclusion of the engagement for subsequent legislative or administrative  changes or future judicial interpretations. To the extent we provide written advice concerning federal tax  matters, we will follow the guidance contained in Circular 230, §10.37, Requirements for Written Advice. 

If you wish to take a tax position based upon the advice of another tax advisor, you agree to obtain a  written statement from the advisor confirming that the position should meet the “realistic possibility,”  “substantial authority,” or “more likely than not” standard, as applicable. In preparing your federal tax  return, we are subject to a diligence as to accuracy regarding reliance on others standard, as defined in  revisions to Circular 230, §10.22(b). To the extent a position is based upon the advice of another tax  advisor, prior to preparing or signing the tax return, the AICPA SSTS No. 1 also requires our firm to have a  good faith belief that the position has, at a minimum, a realistic possibility of being sustained  administratively or judicially on its merits, if challenged. Additional charges will apply to such research.


During the tax preparation process, we will work to ensure that we have everything pertinent to your tax  situation. We do this by comparing to last year, inquiring about pieces that appear to be missing, sending  periodic reminders, and other methods. However, ultimately, it is up to you to make sure we have all  necessary information and to follow up when additional inquiries and/or requests are made. It is also  important to note that legally you are responsible for what is on your tax return, so even though we always  do a thorough review of the final version of your returns, it is very important to review the numbers  reported on your return to ensure that you understand what is being presented. You have the right to  inquire about anything that appears on the return or is used in the calculations. We are more than happy  to walk through your returns and/or questions. 


While we are generally able to provide services in an expeditious manner, we do implement a cutoff as to  the last day that information can be submitted to our firm to ensure timely filing of your returns. In the  event you submit your information after the two-week marker of the tax deadline, we make no  guarantees regarding the completion of work and making deadlines. We will, however, communicate if  we will be able to complete your returns in time or if an extension will be filed on your behalf. It is your  responsibility to provide your information in a timely manner to allow sufficient time to complete the tax  filing process.  


Invoices for all services must be paid in full prior to the electronic submission of returns, signing of  returns for mailing, or presentation of any final deliverables. All invoices will be sent from our ePay system under the email address, therefore, we highly recommend adding  this email address to your contacts so that it is not hung up in your spam. Where there is a delay in  payment, additional fees may apply, and you run the risk of missing deadlines.  


If you decide to discontinue using our services before we have completed it or if you elect not to use the  completed returns we prepared, the fees for services rendered are still due. Concerns about the results  (i.e. refund or tax due) are not grounds for withholding payment. We provide ample time and opportunity  to address and resolve any issues during the review process. Always keep in mind that your return is  never final until you have given your signature authorization on the e-file forms or the tax return itself, so  changes can still be made if need be. If you have a question about your invoice, please contact us and we  will schedule a time to discuss the details thoroughly. 


Agreement to Policies & Procedures 

If you do not accept the conditions above, we will be unable to provide any tax preparation services. If  you have any questions regarding anything in this agreement, you may email them to us at

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